Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hello people, I didnt know what to write in my posts everyday because I dont speak much. But since I started my blog I thought I will pen down all those things that I think - The random thoughts that keep coming over and over again and simply fading away. But when I am thinking I am not writing my blog and when I am writing I dont remember any of the thoughts.

I thought I will share my epilepsy, how I am coping with it, and how am I living my life. But somehow everytime I sit and write, I keep straining to recall how I am coping with it. For actually I am not coping with it. I am simply living and enjoying life. People around me would be surprised to know even that I actually suffer from it. Picture this -

I put up on my own. I have rented an apartment and own practically all necessary items of furniture and kitchen appliances. Friends visit and stay at my place. So there is room for all and I have guests too. Only that my family and relatives dont drop in because they are opposed to my staying on my own and if they come they will actually endorse my staying on my own - which they dont want to. Anyways I am happy that I am able to manage myself.

I do take proper medications everyday. I have to ensure that my diet is proper and try to cook proper meals. I also rest have that much required sleep. I dont try to exert myself or overdo on anything. I have a maid who helps me with washing and cleaning chores. She is an angel. I guess that all ensures that I can stay on without much trouble.

When I was leaving my place, my mom was apprehensive that what would happen to me. But then I convinced her that even if in your presence something happens then what can you do? If I am crossing the road then what will you do? Somethings are to be left to themselves. Instead of hitting it and trying to figure if it happens then....

Phew!! I never knew I could write so much!!

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